Business Value Plan

What is a business value plan? It gets to the core of a business by documenting the crucial elements of an appraisal of the business. Even the blue sky. But a company cannot do it for themselves. It must be verified by a third party to be real. How are you doing it?

Business Value Plan

A business plan is an informational document. A business value plan gets to the heart of any business and verifies and documents crucial information for the growth of the business and ultimately its appraisal and/or sale. Sometimes this involves recasting a profit and loss statement or two so someone with a little business savvy   what makes it tic or not. During the process we verify assets and other crucial information (blue sky and sweat equity) for loan officers or potential buyers. This process gives the business owner and advisor a sense of what’s next. Or shows a loan officer what is missing, or a buyer what she or he could do with the business and if they could.

What about your sweat equity? Or blue sky? How do you document those for a potential buyer? If you are thinking about a loan or perhaps approaching a potential buyer, don’t go without a business value plan. We certify Executives within the business value network. Ask about the details.

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