Business Value Principles

The Business Value Chain

After graduating from the University of Utah in 1985 David C. Whipple went out selling business. He soon realized what he was being taught about the business value chain by his Business Broker was not taught at a University. While selling businesses he helped many businesses with the things he learned like leveraging business equity. He began writing these concepts down for the book below.

After 20 yrs of research with Business Brokers, Savvy Business Buyers and Owners, Mr. Whipple wrote and published “14 Immutable Laws of Business Value” so, you could have a way to assess and begin maximizing a company’s value for more equity. He notes, “A business could have profitable sales and no or very little business value.”

Watch a video on the difference of a marketing and business value strategy at this link. Watch the video.

David’s keen eye noticed that even the best marketing or business plan often did not include business value initiatives like leveraging equity. He thought they were more focused on marketing concepts like frequency and reach or popular social media channels rather than activities that really created business value. With irreverent but honest insights, David provides advice that oftentimes flies in the face of conventional, but not always successful, business wisdom in the book below.

Listen to David tell his story of how “14 Immutable Laws of Business Value” was started at the link below:

The principles and laws in this book are either working for or against your business value chain right now. Read how the links could release untapped business value for more equity. Discover more links of business value in the book.

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Maximizing Business Value

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David also found that most business growth initiatives or marketing plans did not consider leveraging equity the fastest way to wealth. They were all about cost-cutting, more advertising, and increased productivity that have little to do with business value. 

In his search he found 2 other similar guides to businesses. “21 Immutable Laws of Marketing” and ” 21 Immutable Laws of Branding”. These guides along with his book “14 Immutable Laws of Business Value”, provide a cutting edge trilogy for a small business owner for maximizing business value for more equity to leverage.maximizing business value


Learn in the full book, on pg. 12, how a Business Owner increased his business value $210,000 with little cost to him.

Click the book picture below to buy the FULL VERSION @ Amazon!

Maximizing Business ValueDiscover in the full version of “14 Immutable Laws of Business Value“ at Amazon and learn:

  • Are your business projects related to business value?
  • What are the intangible constraints of business value?
  • How to build your customer base and with what?
  • How could an International Company start positioning for a buy-out by a U. S. based Company?
  • Why would a U. S. based company pay more for a foreign business?
  • Why is moving a business organization towards an ideal organizational model vital to maximizing business value?

In the full version, there are over 21 pages from the Author in a guideline format, providing a savvy Business Owner/Buyer ways to size-up business value and then build business value that equates to real business equity based on principles and laws that work.

What others are saying about the book: “Now I look at buying or building a business a different way.” Michael “Yes it’s has helped me a lot. I look at business a lot differently now and know more on which one to buy. I’m going to be reading it again today. I feel more confident with your book.” Andrew “David C. Whipple’s book, “The 14 Immutable Laws of Business Value”, with its principles and laws provide insight to positioning one’s business for future opportunities. Being familiar with business operations, marketing, and financial management with more than 3 decades of working and studying the business world, I’ve known these principles and laws existed in all aspects of a business and not brought to light in the manner David has in this book.” Stephen

Get to know the principles and laws of business value that are working or not for your company. Start with an online complimentary review of your business situation. Set a time now!

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